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Mirror Doors

At Hide-A-Way Doors, we realize that not everyone has the need to hide a room. Many of our customers love our doors simply for the benefit of having extra storage that our doors provide. 

Our full-length mirror door from our Standard Bookcase Door line is a bookcase hinged so that the bookcase front faces the opposite direction with a full-length mirror door facing the front. This door is perfect for a master bedroom/ bathroom install. Built with 100% real hardwood and cabinet-grade plywood this door will last a lifetime. 

Credit example photo from HAWD showroom.

Bookcase - Mirror Door (Reverse Mirror Door)

Hidden Mirror-Bookcse door front


Hidden mirror-bookcase door
hidden mirror bookcase door back


Designed for Utility and Storage our Reverse Mirror

door is perfect for any Master Bedroom. This bookcase door

features a full length mirror front with a bookcase back.

Alpha Mirror Doors

mirror door aplha front


mirror door back



If your number one requirement is concealment and you are looking for an alternative to a bookcase door, look no further. Introducing the Alpha Mirror Door. Incorporated from our Alpha Bookcase door's design that creates a sleek, totally concealed door without the need for any special framing or drywall. 

MD video

Mirror Door Intro

Simple Installation
Anchor 1

1. Simply remove your existing door and frame

2. Remove baseboard from both sides of the door's opening

3. Slide the new Alpha Mirror Door into the opening

4. level the unit and fasten the frame to the opening

5. Drywall tape and mud small seem at the bottom between the door's frame & the wall

6. Apply 2 top coats, allow time to dry and sand smooth

7. Paint the bottom of the door's frame the color of your wall

8. Install new baseboard across the bottom of the door and you are Done!

Short install video


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