Door Anatomy & Terminology

To limit confusion, it helps to fully understand the correct terminology of a door's anatomy. At Hide-A-Way Doors, we use the same terminology used over the years for regular doors.
Roll over the chart to enlarge any proportions. See descriptions below.
Rough Opening: A rough opening or R.O. is the framed opening in which your door unit will fit into. When placing an order, the best way to measure a door size if from the rough opening. A rough opening and door size are calculated the same for all of our doors as they are for regular doors. A door size is 2" smaller than a rough opening on the width and height. When calculating a door size keep in mind that if you order from a rough opening measurement then run flooring after the fact, your door will not fit.
Finish Opening: The finish Opening is measured from inside to inside of the jamb on the width and from the underside of the jamb to the finished floor on the height. This is also the name size of a door. For example, a finish opening of 36" is a 36" door, the actual door width is slightly smaller on a normal door to allow the door to operate. A complete unit dimension from outside to outside should be small enough to slip into the RO and still have a small amount of space to shim & adjust.
Jamb: The jamb is the frame in which the door is attached to. The width of a jamb is determined by the thickness of the wall's framing and wallboard on both sides (drywall, paneling).
Threshold: Typically not used in normal interior doors, a threshold, typically made from Oak, is standard on a bookcase door and acts as extra support and stability. The threshold of a bookcase door has the bottom hinges mounted to it.
Case Molding: The outer trim that finishes off the space between the door, jamb and rough opening. Our bookcase doors work the best with the trim we provide, Flat & Fluted.
Swing Direction: The direction in which a door swings. The finished side of a bookcase door is considered the front, if the door is to open away from you that is determined to be an in-swing door, if you pull the door toward yourself, that is an out-swing door. The best way to determine the direction a door swings is to imagine your back to where your door will hinge, does the door open to the left of your body or to the right? See Swing Direction to view our swing direction chart. Warning: careful planning when determining swing directions should be considered prior to ordering your door. Changing swing direction after your unit leaves our factory will be next to impossible.
Header: This term can be used in many instances and usually means the top of something. Example: Framing Header, Case Header, Jamb Header.
Style & Rail: Style and Rail is a cabinetry terminology usually pertaining to cabinet doors. A style, not to be confused with a stop, is the vertical piece of a cabinet door; a Rail is horizontal.
Pass-Through: The clear space left over when a door is in its open position. Pass-though clearance is important to know for getting large furniture in and out of a room because the bookcase takes up some room in the door's opening. All of the bookcase doors can be removed to create extra space by removing the top threaded pin and carefully lifting the unit off of the bottom hinge pin.
Luan: Thin plywood
Backing: Back panel of the door, usually 1/4 or 3/4" plywood or see through mirror glass
Door Stop: Up-right piece of wood the cabinet door(s) shut on
Faceframe: The border around the bookcase
Mechanical Key Lock: Key operated lock accessible only from the front of the bookcase, not available on mirror doors