Standard vs. Concealment
What is the difference between a Standard Bookcase Door and our Alpha Doors?
If your sole purpose is to conceal a room then Hide-A-Way Door's Alpha Door products are what you need. What we call Standard Bookcase Doors, other companies call "Hidden Doors." There's no doubt that there are many uses for a bookcase door, but not all of what you see online is hidden.
Many other companies market their doors with photos of their doors in the open position, they do this so the "swing gaps" as we call them are not as obvious to the consumer. The spaces are not actually a design flaw; much like a conventional door, a bookcase door needs small spaces usually at the top and bottom so that it operates properly within the opening. When the door is closed these spaces become obvious, which makes the point of hiding a room moot. The huge difference between us and them is they do not tell you about the swing gaps, so why do we? Because we own the Alpha Door Design which eliminates those annoying spaces.
Learn more about our Alpha Doors to determine if they are right for you.
Standard Bookcase Doors Vs The Alpha Door
Determining which type of door is right for you

the ultimate design in hidden doors, Hide-A-Way Door's Alpha Door. This is not your grandmother's pantry door, this is a design for your serious preppers whose top priority is concealment. Unlike standard bookshelf doors, the Alpha Door does not have swing gaps! No way of telling that this isn't anything other than a built-in bookshelf; add an electromagnetic lock with a battery back up in case the power is cut, and you've got the perfect hidden door. There is no better bookcase door on the market!
So, why aren't all your doors made from the Alpha Door design?

Alpha Door

The Alpha Doors are specifically designed for concealment and security.
The design which makes an Alpha Door a true concealment door has very real drawbacks that would deter someone that doesn't have an interest in concealing a room. All Alpha Doors have a
6-1/2" step over to get into or out of a room.
The Alpha Doors are not intended for main entrances or high-traffic areas and they are not available in outswing with the exception of Alpha Mirror Doors.
Exclusive to Hide-A-Way Doors, the unique "step over" is constructed into the frame of the door which means no permanent wall framing or drywall installation is necessary. Simply remove your old conventional door and slide in your new Alpha Door.
Alpha Mirror Door
The Specs
All Alpha Doors comes standard with 3/4" cabinet grade backing for strength & durability (with an exception to Alpha Doors with one way mirror backing). They are available in all added options that Hide-A-Way Doors provides for standard bookcase doors.
The drawbacks: The Alpha Door is only available in an in-swing door (right or left). Some finish site work is required after installation to make the door blend into the wall and there is a small permanent step over to enter a room (less than the max height allowed for stair steps.) Not intended for high traffic areas.
The benefits:
1. There is no special framing; the unit fits in any standard rough opening and we offer several custom sizes.
2. The coolest door on the market, handmade from real wood.
3. No obvious swing gaps. Total concealment.
4. 3/4" plywood backing adds strength & helps with soundproofing. Perfect for concealing gun/ ammo rooms, safe rooms, food storage, etc.
5.Specially designed pivot hinges transfer weight to the floor and not to the jambs making normal operation under heavy loads a breeze.
6. Alpha doors can be customized.
7. The Best Part: Custom built secrete wall units with hidden doors are usually built on-site by teams of men; a very expensive and time-consuming task. The worst part of that is everyone that is involved knows you have a secret room. Our Alpha Door design is built in our specialty woodshop in Morristown, TN, and ships all over the country and parts of Canada. The Alpha Door comes ready to install in your door opening, however; some site minor site work is needed. The specific design allows you to run your baseboard trim in front of the door that leaves a small space above the baseboard so you can paint the space the same color as your wall. The stepover is lower than 8" (normal height of a step).